Last modified May 9,2007
The deadline is June 8, 2007.
Please read the general instructions for authors before writing your paper.
Please note that we do not accept paper submissions. Make sure that your paper prints well and consult Section 6 in the example file. Papers longer than 8 pages will be rejected without review. Note also that NIPS reviewing is double blind this year. Make sure the submission does not include author names, affiliations, and references to your own work.
NIPS style files:
We need anonymous papers for the your NIPS*2007 submission. You should use the files listed below. Latex users, please make sure you are using \makeanontitle instead of \maketitle .
Style files for creating anonymous submission papers:
nips2007.rtf -- Word template
Quick links:
Call for Papers
Author and submission instructions
Style files
Paper submission site
Paper evaluation criteria
Reviewer instructions
Comments? Please send email to nips07 AT (non-standard form used
to prevent spam).