Deadline for Paper Submissions: June 8, 2007, 23:59 Universal Standard Time (4:59pm Pacific Daylight Time).

Submissions are solicited for the Twenty First Annual meeting of an interdisciplinary Conference (December 3-6) which brings together researchers interested in all aspects of neural and statistical processing and computation. The Conference will include invited talks as well as oral and poster presentations of refereed papers. It is single track and highly selective. Preceding the main Conference will be one day of Tutorials (December 3), and following it will be two days of Workshops at Whistler/Blackcomb ski resort (December 7-8).

Submissions: Papers are solicited in all areas of neural information processing and statistical learning, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Algorithms and Architectures: statistical learning algorithms, neural networks, kernel methods, graphical models, Gaussian processes, dimensionality reduction and manifold learning, model selection, combinatorial optimization.
  • Applications: innovative applications or fielded systems that use machine learning, including systems for time series prediction, bioinformatics, text/web analysis, multimedia processing, and robotics.
  • Brain Imaging: neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience, EEG (electroencephalogram), ERP (event related potentials), MEG (magnetoencephalogram), fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), brain mapping, brain segmentation, brain computer interfaces.
  • Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence: theoretical, computational, or experimental studies of perception, psychophysics, human or animal learning, memory, reasoning, problem solving, natural language processing, and neuropsychology.
  • Control and Reinforcement Learning: decision and control, exploration, planning, navigation, Markov decision processes, game-playing, multi-agent coordination, computational models of classical and operant conditioning.
  • Hardware Technologies: analog and digital VLSI, neuromorphic engineering, computational sensors and actuators, microrobotics, bioMEMS, neural prostheses, photonics, molecular and quantum computing.
  • Learning Theory: generalization, regularization and model selection, Bayesian learning, spaces of functions and kernels, statistical physics of learning, online learning and competitive analysis, hardness of learning and approximations, large deviations and asymptotic analysis, information theory.
  • Neuroscience: theoretical and experimental studies of processing and transmission of information in biological neurons and networks, including spike train generation, synaptic modulation, plasticity and adaptation.
  • Speech and Signal Processing: recognition, coding, synthesis, denoising, segmentation, source separation, auditory perception, psychoacoustics, dynamical systems, recurrent networks, Language Models, Dynamic and Temporal models.
  • Visual Processing: biological and machine vision, image processing and coding, segmentation, object detection and recognition, motion detection and tracking, visual psychophysics, visual scene analysis and interpretation.

Evaluation Criteria: Submissions will be refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty, potential impact on the field, and clarity.  A full discussion of the evaluation criteria can be found here.   We particularly encourage submissions by authors new to NIPS.  This year, we particularly encourage papers that balance new algorithmic contributions with a more applied focus.  These include: papers that contain a substantial evaluation on real-world problems, or papers that combine results on novel applications with analysis of their relevance from a machine learning perspective. 

Submission Instructions: NIPS accepts only electronic submissions at:  As in the last year, NIPS submissions will be reviewed double-blind: the reviewers will not know the identities of the authors.  Full instructions can be found in the general information for authors, including a link to the style files.    These submissions must be in PDF format. The Conference web site will accept electronic submissions until midnight June 8, 2007, Universal Standard Time (5pm Pacific Daylight Time).   There will be an opportunity after the meeting to revise accepted manuscripts.

Demonstrations: There is a separate Demonstration track at NIPS. Authors wishing to submit to the Demonstration track should consult the Call for Demonstrations (coming soon).

Workshops: The workshops will be held at Whistler/Blackcomb ski resort from December 7-8. Please read the call for workshop proposals in HTML or PDF format for details.

Invited Speakers at NIPS 2007:

Yair Censor, Department of Mathematics, University of Haifa, Israel.

Mark S. Handcock, Department of Statistics, University of Washington, USA.

Nick Patterson, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA.

Elizabeth Spelke, Department of Psychology, Harvard University, USA.

Manabu Tanifuji, Brain Science Institute, Riken, Japan.

Luis von Ahn, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (Banquet Speaker).

Program Committee:

Francis Bach (Ecole des Mines de Paris)

Michael Black (Brown University)

Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi (Università degli Studi di Milano)

Olivier Chapelle (Yahoo! Research)

Sanjoy Dasgupta (UC San Diego)

Virginia de Sa (UC San Diego)

David Fleet (University of Toronto)

Isabelle Guyon (ClopiNet)

Bert Kappen (University of Nijmegen)

Dan Klein (UC Berkeley)

Daphne Koller (Stanford)   [Co-Chair]

Chih-Jen Lin (National Taiwan University)

Kevin Murphy (University of British Columbia)

William Noble (University of Washington)

Stefan Schaal (University of Southern California)

Dale Schuurmans (University of Alberta)

Odelia Schwartz (Salk Institute and Albert Einstein College of Medicine)

Fei Sha (UC Berkeley)

Yoram Singer (Google and Hebrew University)   [Co-Chair]

Mark Steyvers (UC Irvine)

Alan Stocker (New York University)

Yee Whye Teh (Gatsby Unit, UCL)

Nikos Vlassis (Technical University of Crete)

Ulrike von Luxburg (MPI for Biological Cybernetics)

Chris Williams (University of Edinburgh)

Andrew Zisserman (University of Oxford)

Deadline for Paper Submissions: June 8, 2007, 23:59 Universal Standard Time (4:59pm Pacific Daylight Time).

Quick links: Home     Call for Papers     Author and submission instructions     Style files     Paper submission site     Paper evaluation criteria     Reviewer instructions     FAQ

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